Details:   Blank PWM Board -  Right Click on any image to save for printing or print entire page

Version 1.00 circuit board legend.

Version 1.01 circuit board legend.

Pin out Charts:

Breakout Port Pinout (Joystick Adapter Port)

Breakout Pin

OOPic Pin



21, 22



21, 22




IO Line 31



IO Line 5



IO Line 3 (A2D 3)



IO Line 1 (A2D 1)


2, 23, 24



2, 23, 24



2, 23, 24




IO Line 2 (A2D 2)



IO Line 4 (A2D 4)



IO Line 6



IO Line 30


21, 22



21, 22




IO Line 7

Click for schematic of Joystick Adapter Cable

Left Motor Control

Input / Output

OOPic Pin




IO Line 27



IO Line 25



IO Line 17 (PWM 2)

Thermal Flag


IO Line 29

Current Sensing


IO Line 2 (A2D 2)


Right Motor Control

Input / Output

OOPic Pin




IO Line 26



IO Line 24



IO Line 18 (PWM 1)

Thermal Flag


IO Line 28

Current Sensing


IO Line 1 (A2D 1)

   Connections to OOPic R

Input / Output

OOPic R  Dual DC I/O

OOPic Pin


Dir. Right Motor



IO Line 26

Brake Right Motor



IO Line 24

Speed Right Motor



IO Line 18 (PWM 1)

Dir. Left  Motor



IO Line 27

Brake Left Motor 25


IO Line 25
Speed Left Motor 17 


IO Line 17 (PWM 2)
+5 Volts +5v     21 or  22 + 5 Pull Ups



23  or 24

Ground Pull Downs

The chart above does not connect the analog signals to the OOPic-R, only required signals for motor control.


Parts List:

Part Designation Part Value  Source  Part Number
R1, R12 * 5.6K 1/8 watt  (Green, Blue, Red) Digikey 5.6KEBK
R2, R3, R10, R11, R13 ** Jumper Digikey 929950-00-ND
R4, R9 *** 27K 1/8 watt  (Red, Violet, Orange) Digikey 27KEBK
R5 - R8,  R14 - R19 10K 1/8 watt  (Brown, Black, Orange) Digikey 10KEBK
C1, C2 22 uf 63 volt  electrolytic Digikey P5190-ND
C5 - C8 0.01 uf 100 volt ceramic Digikey 399-2134-ND
F1, F2 5x20mm 3.15 amp fuse Digikey F950-ND
F1, F2   (2 clips need per fuse) 4 total PCB 5x20mm Fuse holder Digikey F063-ND
X1 - X3   5.08mm 3Pos Terminal Digikey ED1624-ND
SV3 8Pos X 2Row Header Digikey S2012-08-ND
SV6, SV7 20Pos X 2Row Header Digikey S2012-20-ND
IC1, IC2 LMD18200T Digikey LMD18200T-ND
Heat sinks (up to 2 per IC) 1.0x0.5x1.18  (LxWxH) Digikey 294-1008-ND
Heat sinks mounting screws Screws   #6-32 Digikey H355-ND
Heat sinks mounting washer Lock Washers  #6 Digikey H240-ND
Heat sinks mounting nuts Hex Nuts #6-32 Digikey H220-ND

 * These resistors will determine the scaling factor for current measurements.  See the technical specifications for 
    the LMD18200T with the link below.
 ** These jumpers may be hardwired if the options does not need to be changed. 

        R2, R3 jumpers are to allow the OOPic to monitor the LMD18200T for the thermal flags.

        R10, R11 jumpers are to allow the OOPic to monitor the LMD18200T for current flows.

        R13 jumper is to allow the OOPic to receive power from the same supply that is powering the Right hand
        PWM driver.   (see Important Notes about use of this option)

*** R4, R9 set up the values to use for the centering of the joystick and may need to changed depending on the 
       joystick that you choose to use.

        27K ohms worked well with all of the joysticks that we tested.


Assembly Instructions:

1. Place the board with the component side facing up and the writing in the correct orientation.

2. Install the resistors first before any other components.  Please make sure to install the for the proper locations.  Be aware of the jumpers R2, R3, R10, R11, and R13.  Two pin headers with jumper plugs or wire may be used for the jumper locations.  (Also see about optional resistor values.)  In version 1.01 the jumpers R2, R3, R10, R11, and R13 have been relabeled to reflect jumpers in these locations as J3, J4, J5, J2, J1 respectively.

3 Install C5, C6, C7 and C8 into the board.  These do not have polarity and can be installed in either direction.  May need to bend leads slightly to fit in holes. (One manufacturer fits perfectly while the other is off slightly on lead spacing.)

4.Install the 16 pin header in the middle of the board. 

5.Install both of the 40 pin headers on the card edges. 

6. install the fuse holders making sure that the fuse stops are facing towards the outer edges of the board.  ( It may be easier to clip fuse holders onto fuse and insert into board as an assembly before soldering to ensure proper alignment, but be careful of too much heat on the fuse.)

7. Install the LMD18200's into the board.  It may be necessary to temporary mount the heatsinks to the IC's to get the proper spacing.  (If your heatsinks have mounting tabs on the bottom please cut them off before using them, and file the clipped edges smooth.)

8. Install the X3 power connector.  The openings for the wires need to face towards the 40 pin connector not the 18 pin connector.

9.  Install the X1 and X2 output screw terminals with the holes for the wires facing the outer edges of the board.

10. Install the electrolytic capacitors C1 and C2.  The polarity is important here so install carefully, the positive side should be facing the fuse and the negative should be facing the outer edges of the board on both sides.  In version 1.01 the polarity is marked on the board and the center and outer holes are connected together and form the ground.  You may use either center or outer edge holes for the negative side of the capacitor to fit your exact needs.

11. Visually inspect the top and the bottom to identify and correct any solder splashes or bridges that may be present before powering.

12. Clean and dry board with appropriate flux solvent.  Us caution and read instructions on container.  Make sure board is completely dry before supplying power.  Some flux solvents contain or attack water from the air and will get under components

Important Notes:

Version 1.01 has improved readability of the silkscreen with bolder letters and numbers.   Jumper R13 renamed to J1,  Jumper R11 renamed to J2,  Jumper R2 renamed to J3, Jumper R3 renamed to J4,  Jumper R10 renamed to J5.  C1 and C2 moved to allow more room for heat sinks and different hole structure to accommodate a wider range of usable components. Schematics remain the same between both versions 1.00 and 1.01.
The jumper in location R13 or J1 on version 1.01, is to power the OOPic's onboard regulator from the same supply that is powering the right side motor.   If this jumper is installed, the voltage applied to X3-3 should not exceed the limitations of the OOPic.  If you do not install this jumper, you will need to connect power to the OOPic as normal.
 When connecting the 40 pin connector on the OOPic to the PWM controller board, care must be taken to ensure that the Pin 1 is connected to Pin 1 on both boards.
The ICs on the PWM controller dissipate a lot of energy and need cooling if running extended times under full load, therefore it is recommended that heat sinks be used with any load over 0.5 amps and 12 volts.  The board is designed so that 2 heat sinks may be used on each IC if the power load requires more cooling.  A general rule of thumb is, if it is too hot to touch for more than 3 seconds with the index finger- put a heat sink on it.
Do not under any circumstances connect any terminal of the outputs to each other, power, ground or any other connection,  These outputs are floating and must be isolated from power or ground.  Make sure that the motor you are using is not grounded through the case or you must isolated it so the case is floating above system ground.  Do not parallel the outputs from on channel with the other channel to increase current, the PWM outputs may not be in phase with each other and could damage the driver IC's.
The center terminal on the motor connectors are only for shielded cables to cut down on EMI from the switching currents going to the motors. do not pass any current through these center connection on motor outputs. (0.001 uf caps may be added to the inputs of the back of the motors and terminated to the ground wire middle connection to aid in EMI suppression if there is a problem)
The current feedback from the LMD18200T's are connected to Pin 7 for right channel and Pin 9 for the left channel.  This corresponds to OOPic's analog to digital channels 1 and 2 of 4.  The joystick inputs corresponds to OOPic's analog to digital channels 3 and 4 of 4 for the X and Y axis.   If current measurements are not needed for the LMD18200T's, remove jumpers R2 and R10, or J3 and J5 on version 1.01, then the analog channels 1 and 2 can be used for other analog measurements like a dual joystick.
Optional resistor values may be used for R1, R12 to determine current scaling for the analog inputs. See the application notes from National Semiconductor for more information.  Optional resistor values may be used for R4, R9 to compensate for non-standard joystick configurations.  We found 27K worked best with all joysticks we tested.  Optional values for all remaining resistors may be used,  these act as pull up or pull down resistors for power on considerations for the OOPic.  Anything from 1K to 1 meg. ohm will work for R5-R8 and R14-R19.
Throughout these pages we refer to the right and left  motor drivers.  These outputs correspond to the X1 and X2 terminal sides of the board respectively


We have not had any complaints as of yet but we noticed that some heat sinks will touch a via and cause a short on the brake line for the motor control associated with connector X1.  The via that touches the heat sink is in the center of a triangle between X2, C6, and C2.  If you have problems with the brake causing the motor to run, remove the heat sink, and place a small piece of tape on the board to cover the via. PICTURE  This via has been moved on version 1.01.
We cannot guarantee the skills that you have in the assembly of this board.  It requires the use of proper tools and techniques to assemble.  If you have doubts about your skills in assembly, please seek the help of a knowledgeable person to give you a hand in the assembly.   Magnevation, Savage Innovations or anyone else is not responsible for damage to any components that may arise from the assembly or use of these products.  

OOPic I Programming Sample:  Reads values from joystick & controls the left and right motors

Dim LSpeed as new oPWM             'defines name to first object oPWM speed output
Dim RSpeed as new oPWM             'defines name to second object  oPWM speed output
Dim LBrake as new oDIO1              'defines name to  first object oDIO1 brake output
Dim RBrake as new oDIO1              'defines name to second object oDIO1 brake ouput
Dim LDirection as new oDIO1          'defines name to third object oDIO1 direction output
Dim RDirection as new oDIO1          'defines name to forth object oDIO1 direction output
Dim LStick as new oA2D                  'defines name to first object oA2D for joystick
Dim RStick as new oA2D                  'defines name to first object oA2D for joystick

Sub Main()                                        'Start of main
  Call SetUp                                       'Call of subprogram SetUp to set properties of objects
  LBrake = cvOff                               'Start with Lbrake  value to off
  RBrake = cvOff                               'Start with Rbrake  value to off
  Do                                                   'Beginning of Do Loop

  If LStick.MSB then                          'This section determins joystick position corrects for non-
    LDirection = 1                                'linearity sets the direction bit, and send a value to oPWM
    LSpeed = (LStick - 128) * 2          'for the left channel
    LDirection = 0
    LSpeed = (128 - LStick) * 3
  end if

  If RStick.MSB then                          'This section determins joystick position corrects for non-
    RDirection = 1                                'linearity sets the direction bit, and send a value to oPWM
    RSpeed = (RStick - 128) * 2          'for the left channel
    RDirection = 0
    RSpeed = (128 - RStick) * 3
  end if

  Loop                                                 'End of do loop
End Sub

Sub SetUp()                                        'Beginning of subprogram SetUp
  LSpeed.IOLine = 17                         'Sets the IOLine for the oPWM - LSpeed to 17
  LSpeed.period = 254                        'Sets the period property of LSpeed to 254

  LSpeed.Operate = cvTrue                 'Turns on the operate property for LSpeed pwm channel
  RSpeed.IOLine = 18                         'Sets the IOLine for the oPWM - RSpeed to 18
  RSpeed.period = 254                        'Sets the period property of RSpeed to 254

  RSpeed.Operate = cvTrue                 'Turns on the operate property for RSpeed pwm channel
  LBrake.IOLine =  25                         'Sets the IOLine for the oDIO1 - LBrake to 25
  LBrake.Direction = cvOutput             'Sets the direction  for the oDIO1 - LBrake to be output
  RBrake.IOLine = 24                          'Sets the IOLine for the oDIO1 - RBrake to 24
  RBrake.Direction = cvOutput             'Sets the direction for the oDIO1 - RBrake to be output
  LDirection.IOLine = 27                      'Sets the IOLine for the oDIO1 - LDirection to 27
  LDirection.Direction = cvOutput         'Sets the direction for the oDIO1 - LDirectionto be output
  RDirection.IOLine = 26                      'Sets the IOLine for the oDIO1 - RDirection to 26
  RDirection.Direction = cvOutput         'Sets the direction for the oDIO1 - RDirectionto be output
  RStick.IOLine = 3                              'Sets the IOLine for the oA2D - RStick to pin 3
  RStick.Operate = cvTrue                    'Turns on the operate property for RStick analog channel
  LStick.IOLine = 4                              'Sets the IOLine for the oA2D - LStick to pin 4
  LStick.Operate = cvTrue                    'Turns on the operate property for LStick analog channel
End Sub                                               'End of subprogram

The above listed program is now available for download by going directly to the new software download page:


This page was last updated  June 04, 2010